Omnicomm launching a brand new website: same quality, new URL

Omnicomm launching a brand new website: same quality, new URL

With nearly 20 years of experience in the global market for fuel monitoring systems and transport telematics, Omnicomm continues to experience steady sales growth worldwide. And to further its expansion, the company is launching a brand new website at to size up to its expanding operations.

From its upgraded design and redefined interfaces to the complete portfolio of company’s products and services with detailed descriptions, including all new lines and modifications, the new Omnicomm website represents a comprehensible means for the visitor to learn more about the company. It makes exploring the ways in which the opportunities we offer can become one’s operational advantages really easy!

Our current and potential partners will find extensive technical documents and advertising information here, as well as all the latest news and updates on Omnicomm.

Welcome to! We hope to see you soon, and we are always looking forward to welcoming new partners aboard.

July 22, 2016