Omnicomm LLD is an electronic indicator for displaying the volume of fuel in fuel tanks of vehicles, diesel generators or stationery tanks. (подзаголовок)
Knowledge is power. Give your drivers a quick view of reliable information and instant feedback on the condition and performance of their vehicles to prevent fuel emergencies, encourage safe driving, and reinforce positive driver behavior.
The Omnicomm LLD display gives drivers a quick and reliable way to determine the fuel level in a tank, as well as vehicle speed, engine hours, or any other value received from the OMNICOMM integrated terminal output.
The OMNICOMM LLD indicator display is installed in the vehicle cabin, interior areas or waterproof housings and can be used in two ways:
Connected directly to OMNICOMM's highly accurate fuel level sensor
Connected to an OMNICOMM on-board GPS trackersl
The OMNICOMM LLD is an optional component of OMNICOMM's complete fleet management solution.